Why is this title? I challenge you to find me a sport that is a total body workout, free of injuries, done in most beautiful settings, can be done from 3 years of age to 93 and beyond, not expensive and can be done on any level of fitness. Enter cross country skiing.
X-c skiing was and is very big inRussia where I grew up. Downhill skiing of course was much cooler despite the total lack of ski lifts and …downhill skis. I mean there was one single chair lift somewhere in Kazakhstan , 6 hours flight from Moscow during my time . I walked up the hills for the most of my Russian downhill life (good workout). In my high school there were only three people who had downhill skis, including me. But everyone had x-c skis. I started racing at school when I was 11-12. It was truly national thing, second only to drinking (like Finland ).
X-c skiing was and is very big in
Fast forward to Bretton Woods NH where my wife and I are spending our winter weekends for the last 15 years after totally dropping downhill and going back to x-c skiing.
So, skating or classical? I have both skis and use both. Here is my 2 cents after doing classical all my life and skating since it was invented.
Unless you are serious about x-c ski racing, stick with classical. Anyone can do classical on any level: kids, parents and grandparents. I am OK at both, not great, but better than many. I was passed by classical skiers while skating and passed skaters while on classical skis.
On average my heart rate is 10 bpm higher on skate skis than on classical. Skating is like riding big ring and fixed gear all the time, classical is like having ten-speed, well maybe five. You better be fit for skating. Another key factor is technique. Skating was very difficult to learn for me, considering I do not live near good ski area and the snow days are limited. And when skating uphill, technique and fitness must really come together well or you stop.
Equipment is another issue. Classical equipment will not work for skating. If you plan to skate, be prepare to drop a big pile of money. Oh, I forgot about the major draw back of skating skis: ski waxes. Expensive, time consuming, know-how required. If skate skis do not glide, you go home.
For classical you can get waxless skis and have a good time. Not very fast, but good. And if you get waxable classical, you will be flying. Easier waxing too.
I am lucky to be able to do both, but prefer classical. It allows me to spend more time on the snow at the intensity I choose. Hence better for my endurance training and fat burning.
Now get out there on whatever skis you want, it is fantastic !
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